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A set of command-line tools that handle not only directories and files, but also ZIP and GZIP files, and even nested ZIP files.



Computes the differences between files, directory trees, ZIP file entries, GZIPped files and prints them in various formats; widely compatible with the UNIX™ DIFF command line utility.

zzdiff Command Line Tool

  java de.unkrig.zz.diff.Main -help
  java de.unkrig.zz.diff.Main [ <option> ] ... <file1> <file2>
Show contents differences between <file1> and <file2> in DIFF format.
  java de.unkrig.zz.diff.Main [ <option> ] ... <dir1> <dir2>
Show which files were added (missing in <dir1>) or deleted (missing in <dir2>)
and their subdirectories, and any contents differences for the remaining files
in DIFF format.

Valid options are:
  File selection:
    -exclude <glob>
    -x <glob>         Ignore matching files, e.g. 'dir/zipfile!dir/file' or
                      '**/file'. '<exc>' is a 'combined wildcard pattern', see
    -z                Look into ZIP format files instead of comparing the plain
    -zz               Recurse into ZIP format files instead of comparing the plain
    -name-equivalence <regex>
    -ne <regex>       Files with different names map iff their names match the
                      <regex> and all capturing groups are equal
  Contents processing:
    -da               Disassemble .class files
      -da-no-lines    Don't display lines debug info
      -da-no-vars     Don't display local variables debug info
    -line-equivalence <name> <regex>
                      Lines in files <name> that contain <regex> and all
                      capturing groups are equal are regarded as equal
    -ignore <name> <regex>
    -I <name> <regex> Ignore differences in files <name> where all lines
                      (deleted, changed or added) match the given <regex>
    -w                Ignore whitespace differences
    -encoding <enc>   Encoding of the files being compared (defaults to 'UTF-8')
  Output generation:
    -out <file>       Write DIFF to <file> instead of STDOUT
    -q                Report only which files were added, deleted or changed
    -c                Output 'context diff' format with three lines of context
    -Context <N>
    -C <N>            Output 'context diff' format with <N> lines of context
    -u                Output 'unified diff' format with three lines of context
    -Unified <N>
    -U <N>            Output 'unified diff' format with <N> lines of context
    -nowarn           Suppress all messages except errors
    -verbose          Log verbose messages
    -debug            Log verbose and debug messages
    -log <level>:<logger>:<handler>:<formatter>
                      Add logging at level FINE on the root logger to STDERR,
                      using the FormatFormatter and MESSAGE_AND_EXCEPTION
                      format, or the given arguments which are all optional.
A 'combined wildcard pattern' can have the form
, which means 'foo.c plus all that don't end with .c or .h'

<zzdiff> Ant Task

<taskdef resource="de/unkrig/zz/antlib.xml" classpath="path/to/de.unkrig.zz.jar" />
<zzdiff ...>
Ignore whitespace differences
REPORT_AS_ADDED_OR_DELETED (the default): Report about added and deleted files and directories
COMPARE_ADDED_AND_DELETED_WITH_EMPTY: Compare added or deleted file with the empty document; compare added and deleted directories with the empty directory
COMPARE_ADDED_WITH_EMPTY: Compare added files with the empty document; compare added directories with the empty directory; report about deleted files and directories
Look into ZIP format files instead of comparing the plain file
Recurse into ZIP format files instead of comparing the plain file
Disassemble .class files
Don't display lines debug info
Don't display local variables debug info
Encoding of the files being compared (defaults to default platform encoding)
QUIET: Report only which files were added, deleted or changed, NORMAL (the default): Output 'normal diff' format, CONTEXT: Output 'context diff' format, UNIFIED: Output 'unified diff' format
Amount of 'context' which is reported with each difference; default is +- three lines (only relevant for 'context diff' and 'unified diff' formats)
Write DIFF to the named file instead of STDOUT
The two files or the two directories to compare
property (optional)
Set the named property to 'true' iff there are no differences between file1 and file2 (particularly useful with 'diffMode=QUIET')
<exclude name="..." />
Ignore matching files, e.g. 'dir/zipfile!dir/file' or '**/file'. 'name' is a 'combined wildcard pattern', see below.
<equivalentName nameRegex="..." />
Files with different names map iff their names match the 'nameRegex' and all capturing groups are equal
<equivalentLine name="..." regex="..." />
Lines in files 'name' that contain 'regex' and all capturing groups are equal are regarded as equal
<ignore name="..." regex="..." />
Ignore differences in files 'name' where all lines (deleted, changed or added) match the given 'regex'


Finds files in directory trees and entries in ZIP files by various criteria; widely compatible with the UNIX™ FIND command line utility.

zzfind Command Line Tool

A FIND utility that can recurse into nested files in ZIP format

  java de.unkrig.zz.find.Main [ <option> ... ] <dir> ... [ <expression> ]
Apply <expression> to all files in <dir>

  java de.unkrig.zz.find.Main [ <option> ... ] -z <file-or-dir> ... [ <expression> ]
Apply <expression> to all files and entries in <file-or-dir>

Valid <option>s are:
  -z              Look into ZIP files
  -zz             Look into ZIP files and nested ZIP files
  -encoding <enc> Contents encoding (only relevant for '-cat'), default is 'windows-1252'
  -nowarn         Suppress all messages except errors
  -quiet          Suppress normal output
  -verbose        Log verbose messages
  -debug          Log verbose and debug messages
  -log <level>:<logger>:<handler>:<formatter>:<format>
                  Add logging at level FINE on logger 'de.unkrig' to STDERR
                  using the FormatFormatter and SIMPLE format, or the given
                  arguments which are all optional.

<expression>s are either tests or actions. Both evaluate to a boolean value.

Valid tests are:
  -name <glob>    Name matches '<glob>' (see below).
  -path <glob>    The full path (e.g. 'dir/zipfile!dir/zipfile!dir/file' or
                  'dir/file') matches '<glob>' (see below).
  -type f         The file or zip entry is of 'file' type.
  -type d         The file is of 'directory' type (directory entries in ZIP
                  files are always ignored).
  <exp1> -a <exp2>
  <exp1> <exp2>   '<exp1>' and '<exp2>' are true.
  <exp1> -o <exp2>
                  '<exp1>' or '<exp2>' is true.
  -not <exp>
  ! <exp>         '<exp>' is false.
  ( <exp> )       '<exp>' is true.

Valid actions are:
  -print          Print file path and return true.
  -ls             Print file type, readablity, writability, size, modification
                  time and path, and return true.
  -exec <word>... ;
                  Execute '<word>...' as an external command; '{}' is
                  replaced with the current file's path (which may contain '!'
                  and would then NOT denote a physical file in the file system).
  -cat            Print file contents and return true.
If no action is given, then '-print' is implictly added.

Example <glob>s:
  dir/file.zip!dir/file  Entry 'dir/file' in ZIP file 'dir/file.zip'
  */x                    File 'x' in an immediate subdirectory
  **/x                   File 'x' in any subdirectory
  ***/x                  File 'x' in any subdirectory, or entry 'x' in any ZIP
                         file in any subdirectory
  a,dir/file.zip!dir/b   File 'a' and entry 'dir/b' in ZIP file 'dir/file.zip'
  ~*.c                   Files that don't end with '.c'
  ~*.c~*.h               Files that don't end with '.c' or '.h'
  ~*.c~*.h,foo.c         'foo.c' plus all files that don't end with '.c' or '.h'

<zzfind> Ant Task

<taskdef resource="de/unkrig/zz/antlib.xml" classpath="path/to/de.unkrig.zz.jar" />
<zzfind ... />
Look into ZIP files (default is FALSE)
Look into ZIP files and nested ZIP files (default is FALSE)
Resource collection (e.g. <dirset>)
The set of files and/or directories to apply the tests and actions (see below) to. If more than one action or test is given, then these are implicitly and-connected.


<cat encoding="..." />
Copies the contents of the current file to a given string consumer and evaluates to TRUE.
<exec command="..." />
Executes an external command; the special string '{}' within the command is replaced with the full path of the current file. Evaluates to TRUE iff the command exists with status code '0'.
<ls />
Prints the file type ('d' or '-'), readablity ('r' or '-'), writability ('w' or '-'), size, modification time and path and evaluates to TRUE.
<print />
Prints the path of the current file to the given string consumer and evaluates to TRUE.


Accepts a sequence of operand subelements; evaluates them in sequence until one evaluates to FALSE; evaluates to TRUE iff all operands evaluate to TRUE
Accepts a sequence of operand subelements; evaluates them in sequence until one evaluates to TRUE; evaluates to FALSE iff all operands evaluate to FALSE
<name value="..." />
Evaluates to TRUE iff the name of the current file matches the given glob.
<path value="..." />
Evaluates to TRUE iff the path of the current file matches the given glob.
<type value="..." />
Evaluates to TRUE iff the type of the current file matches the given value (FILE or DIR).
Accepts exactly one operand subelement; evaluates to TRUE if the operand evaluates to FALSE and vice versa.


Finds lines in files in directory trees and in entries in ZIP files by regular expressions; widely compatible with the UNIX™ GREP command line utility.

zzgrep Command Line Tool

A GREP utility that can recurse into nested files in ZIP format
  java de.unkrig.zz.grep.Main [ <option> ... ] <regex> [ <file-or-dir> ... ]
Reads all lines from STDIN or <file> or all files under <dir> and prints those
which contain <regex>.

Valid options are:
  -z              Look into ZIP files.
  -zz             Look into ZIP files and nested ZIP files.
  -gzip           Look into GZIP files.
  -encoding <enc> Contents encoding, default is 'windows-1252'
  -q  -quiet      Suppress all normal output.
  -l  -list       Print only names of files containing matches.
  -i  -ignore-case
                  Ignore case distinctions.
  -v  -inverted   Select non-matching lines.
  -da             Disassemble .class files on-the-fly.
    -da-no-lines  Don't print line numbers in the disassembly.
    -da-no-vars   Don't print variable names in the disassembly.
  -include <glob> If given, then only entries that match <glob> are scanned.
  -exclude <glob> Entries that match <glob> and their subentries are NOT
  -nowarn         Suppress all messages except errors
  -verbose        Log verbose messages
  -debug          Log verbose and debug messages
  -log <level>:<logger>:<handler>:<formatter>:<format>
                  Add logging at level FINE on logger 'de.unkrig' to STDERR
                  using the FormatFormatter and SIMPLE format, or the given
                  arguments which are all optional.

<file-or-dir>: Instead of STDIN, read from <file>, or from all files under <dir>

Example <glob>s:
  dir/file.zip!dir/file  Entry 'dir/file' in ZIP file 'dir/file.zip'
  */x                    File 'x' in an immediate subdirectory
  **/x                   File 'x' in any subdirectory
  ***/x                  File 'x' in any subdirectory, or entry 'x' in any ZIP
                         file in any subdirectory
  a,dir/file.zip!dir/b   File 'a' and entry 'dir/b' in ZIP file 'dir/file.zip'
  ~*.c                   Files that don't end with '.c'
  ~*.c~*.h               Files that don't end with '.c' or '.h'
  ~*.c~*.h,foo.c         'foo.c' plus all files that don't end with '.c' or '.h'

Exit status is 0 if any line was selected, 1 otherwise; if any error occurs,
the exit status is 2.

<zzgrep> Ant Task

<taskdef resource="de/unkrig/zz/antlib.xml" classpath="path/to/de.unkrig.zz.jar" />
<zzgrep ...>...</zzgrep>
Whether or not ZZGREP should look into ZIP files.
Whether or not ZZGREP should look into ZIP files and nested ZIP files.
Whether or not ZZGREP should look auto-detect and gunzip GZIP files.
Contents encoding, default is 'windows-1252'
The operation that should be executed by ZZGREP: NORMAL (for each match, print the file name, a colon, a space and the matched line), LIST (for each match, print the file name), or QUIET (do not print the matches). The default is NORMAL.
Whether the regular expression should be applied case-insensitively.
Whether matching lines should be treated as non-matching, and vice versa.
Whether to disassemble Java™ class files on-the-fly before matching its contents.
Whether to hide source line numbers in the Java™ class file disassembly.
Whether to local variable names in the Java™ class file disassembly.
The regular expression to match each line against.
<exclude pattern="..." />
All files who's names match the given glob are excluded, even if they were previously included.
<include pattern="..." />
All files who's names match the given glob are included, even if they were previously excluded through <exclude>.
Ressource collection, e.g. <fileset>
File and directory tree which ZZGREP will include in its search.


Modifies the contents of files in directory trees and of entries in ZIP files by various criteria; widely compatible with the UNIX™ PATH command line utility.

zzpatch Command Line Tool

    java de.unkrig.zz.patch.Main [ <option> ... ] <file-or-dir>
Transforms <file-or-dir> in-place.
    java de.unkrig.zz.patch.Main [ <option> ... ] <file-or-dir> <new-file-or-dir>
Transforms <file-or-dir> into <new-file-or-dir>.
    java de.unkrig.zz.patch.Main [ <option> ... ] <file-or-dir> ... <out-dir>
Transforms <file-or-dir> and creates the output in <out-dir>.
Valid options are:
  -help       Shows this text.
  -keep       If existing files were overwritten, keep copies of the originals.
  -update <glob> <update-file>
              Replace the contents of files/ZIP entries that match <glob> (see
              below) with that of <update-file>.
  -substitute <glob> <regex> <replacement>
              Substitute occurrences of <regex> in files/zip entries that
              match <glob> (see below) with <replacement>.
  -patch <glob> <patch-file>
              Apply <patch-file> to all files/ZIP entries that match <glob>
              (see below). <patch-file> can be in traditional, context or
              unified diff format.
  -remove <glob>
              Remove all in files/ZIP entries that match <glob> (see below).
  -rename <glob>
              Rename out files/ZIP entries according to <glob> (see below), e.g.
              '(*).c=$1.c.orig'. Multiple '-rename' options are applied in the
              given order.
  -add <glob> <name> <contents-file>
              To all directories/ZIP format files that match <glob>, add a
              member/entry <name>, and fill it from <contents-file>.
  -zip        Look into ZIP files.
  -zz         Look recursively into ZIP files.
  -gzip       Look into GZIP files.
  -input-encoding <enc>
  -output-encoding <enc>
              Encoding of input files and output files (only relevant for
              '-substitute' and '-patch'); default is 'windows-1252'
  -patch-file-encoding <enc>
              Encoding of patch files (only relevant for '-patch'); default is
  -nowarn     Suppress all messages except errors
  -quiet      Suppress normal output
  -verbose    Log verbose messages
  -debug      Log verbose and debug messages
  -log <level>:<logger>:<handler>:<formatter>:<format>
              Add logging at level FINE on logger 'de.unkrig' to STDERR using
              the FormatFormatter and SIMPLE format, or the given arguments
              which are all optional.

Example <glob>s:
  dir/file.zip!dir/file  Entry 'dir/file' in ZIP file 'dir/file.zip'
  */x                    File 'x' in an immediate subdirectory
  **/x                   File 'x' in any subdirectory
  ***/x                  File 'x' in any subdirectory, or entry 'x' in any ZIP
                         file in any subdirectory
  a,dir/file.zip!dir/b   File 'a' and entry 'dir/b' in ZIP file 'dir/file.zip'
  ~*.c                   Files that don't end with '.c'
  ~*.c~*.h               Files that don't end with '.c' or '.h'
  ~*.c~*.h,foo.c         'foo.c' plus all files that don't end with '.c' or '.h'

<zzpatch> Ant Task

<taskdef resource="de/unkrig/zz/antlib.xml" classpath="path/to/de.unkrig.zz.jar" />
<zzpatch ...>
Whether to keep backup copies of files/entries that are modified or removed. Default is false.
If the value is an existing directory, then all input files are transformed into new files in that directory. Otherwise exactly one input file must be specified, and the input file is transformed into the named file. If this attribute is not set, then all input files are transformed in-place.
If false, then files in ZIP format are processed like all other regular files. If true, then the transformations are applied to the entries of ZIP format files, rather than to the ZIP file.
If false, then files in ZIP format are processed like all other regular files. If true, then the transformations are applied to the entries of ZIP format files (even nested entries), rather than to the ZIP file.
If false, then files in GZIP format are processed like all other regular files. If true, then the transformations are applied to the entries of GZIP format files, rather than to the GZIP file.
Another file that will be patched.
Another directory tree that will be patched.
Resource collection (e.g. <fileset>, <dirset>)
Files and directory trees that will be patched.
<update name="glob" updateFile="file" />
The contents of files/entries that match name="glob" will be replaced with the contents of the updateFile="file".
<substitute name="glob" inputEncoding="enc" outputEncoding="enc" regex="regex" replacement="replacement" />
Replaces all occurrences of regex="regex" with replacement="..." in files/entries that match name="glob". Alternatively, regex and replacement can be configured with <regex> and <replacement> subelements; the major advantage of subelements is that they can contain <![CDATA[...]]> sections where you don't have to SGML-escape special characters.
With the MULTILINE option enabled (by including "(?m)" in the regex), you are not limited to line-wise pattern matching, but be careful with using greedy quantifiers, because these may require that the entire contents of each file needs to be loaded into memory.
<patch name="glob" inputEncoding="enc" outputEncoding="enc" patchFile="file" patchFileEncoding="enc" />
Files/entries that match name="glob" will be patched with the DIFF document in the patchFile="file". Supported DIFF formats are 'traditional diff', 'context diff' and 'unified diff'.
<remove name="glob" />
Files/entries that match name="glob" will be deleted/removed.
<rename name="glob" />
Files/entries that match name="glob" will be renamed. The glob must be in the 'replacement' format, as described " here.


Source code


Change log


These tools make heavy use of commons.unkrig.de.


ZZ.UNKRIG.DE is published under the "New BSD License".