
From unkrig.de
Revision as of 12:12, 16 February 2016 by Aunkrig (talk | contribs) (→‎Doclets)
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Welcome to unkrig.de!

Where the fine software grows




Hello out there!

I am a professional programmer, and when I have time I work on several cool open source projects. Find them useful, interesting, inspiring - or contribute! To contact me, send email to 'arno att unkrig dott de', or (for JANINO) use the mailing list.

Cheers, Arno

Larger Projects


A super-small, super-fast Java™ compiler for embedded applications where you want to compile code on-the-fly into byte code which is executed in the running JVM. Includes a Java™ disassembler.

CheckStyle Contributions

Additional checks, filters and quickfixes for CheckStyle and Eclipse-CS.


A tool for automatic injection of logging code into Java™ class files, making it unnecessary to mess up your code with hand-written logging.

Smaller Projects


Some contributions to APACHE ANT, e.g. the <swingDialog> task which significantly enhances ANT's <input> task.


A versatile Java™ library, including a highly flexible HTTP and FTP server.


Doclets are a way to re-use the JAVADOC tool to do other things than just generate Java API documentation. I wrote a few of them for different purposes:

ANT Doclet
Generates JAVADOC-like HTML documentation for an ANTLIB, e.g. Ant-contrib.unkrig.de.
CheckStyle Doclet
Generates the metadata files for CheckStyle and eclipse-cs from 'doc tags' in the source code of your checks and filters.
A re-implementation of the JAVADOC standard doclet, basically a reference to show how to use the "no-template" framework.
MAIN Doclet
Generates HTML documentation for a "main()" method - useful for command line tools with a set of command line options.


A Java tool to convert HTML documents into plain text.

Subclipse enhancements plug-in

The often-missed <de.unkrig.subclipse.svn> ANT task that uses the SUBCLIPSE client of the running ECLIPSE workbench.

ZZ Tools

Enhanced versions of the widely known DIFF, FIND, GREP and PATCH command-line tools, which handle not only directories and files, but also archive and compressed files, and even nested archive and compressed files.