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<meta name="keywords" content="java, eclipse, subclipse, subversion, svn, plug-in, plugin"></meta> <meta name="description" content="An ECLIPSE plug-in that adds an ANT task that uses the SVN client that is provided by the SUBCLIPSE plug-in"></meta>


This ECLIPSE plug-in adds an additional ANT task 'de.unkrig.subclipse.svn' which is available in ANT builds which have the option 'Run in the same JRE as the workspace' set.

The ANT task uses the SVN client that is provided by the SUBCLIPSE plug-in. Thus no configuration is required, because it is re-used from SUBCLIPSE.

Download and Installation[edit]

Within ECLIPSE, download and install the feature from the update site

The change log is available here.

Task Documentation[edit]



Tagging projects in SVN:

<!-- Verify that ANT is running in the same JVM as ECLIPSE. -->
    message="Please activate the ECLIPSE external tool configuration option 'Run in the same JRE as the workspace' and re-run."

<!-- Verify that the 'de.unkrig.subclipse' plugin is available. -->
<fail message="Please install the 'de.unkrig.subclipse' ECLIPSE feature and re-run.">
    <condition><not><typefound name="de.unkrig.subclipse.svn" /></not></condition>

<property name="d" value="${tag}"/>
    <mkdir                          url="${d}"/>
    <copy srcpath="."           desturl="${d}"/>
    <copy srcpath="../project2" desturl="${d}"/>

If you like loading ANT tasks in separate XML namespaces, you can alternatively write:

<some-enclosing-tag-e-g-project-or-target xmlns:unkrig="antlib:de.unkrig.subclipse">
        message="Please activate the ECLIPSE external tool configuration option 'Run in the same JRE as the workspace' and re-run."

    <fail message="Please install the 'de.unkrig.subclipse' ECLIPSE feature and re-run.">
        <condition><not><typefound uri="antlib:de.unkrig.subclipse" name="svn" /></not></condition>


, where "unkrig" is the (arbitrary) XML namespace prefix.


SUBCLIPSE.UNKRIG.DE is published under the "New BSD License".

Source Code[edit]

Source code is available via SVN on

. From that repository, check out the projects

  • de.unkrig.checkstyle-configuration
  • de.unkrig.commons.nullanalysis
  • de.unkrig.subclipse_dist
  • de.unkrig.subclipse.ant.tasks
  • de.unkrig.subclipse.branding
  • de.unkrig.subclipse.core
  • org.apache.ant-1.8.4

, or, if you are using ECLIPSE, just import


For bugs, improvements, complaints, or any other kind of feedback, send email to