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This site makes several doclets publicly available which I wrote for my personal needs, but are hopefully useful for others. Enjoy!

The CheckStyle Doclet

Generates MEDIAWIKI-format documentation for CheckStyle and Eclipse-CS plugin-ins.

The motivation for writing this doclet was to ease the maintenance of the documentation for the CheckStyle plug-in. See here for an example generated page.

The generation of MEDIAWIKI documentation will be replaced with (JAVADOC-like) HTML documents.


Find the jar file here.

Find the source code for the doclet here.

Find the documentation here.

The ANT Doclet

Generates (JAVADOC-like) HTML documentation for APACHE ANT antlibs.

The motivation for writing this doclet is to ease the maintenance of the documentation for the antlib.

It is not (yet) completely functional.


Find the source code for the doclet here.

The JAVADOC Doclet

A drop-in replacement for the standard JAVADOC doclet that is part of the JAVADOC utility which ships with the JDK.

The main motivation was to develop a slick framework the would help me (and others) to implement other doclets (see below) more easily. After all, JAVADOC is *the* reference application of a doclet, and anybody who wants to write a doclet knows it and has an idea of how to get from the JAVADOC doclet to *his* doclet.

Getting started

To use my JAVADOC doclet, you must run the JAVADOC utility exactly as usual, but pass -doclet and -docletpath command line options to replace the built-in doclet with mine.

Doclet Options

-d dest-dir
-windowtitle text
-doctitle text
-header text
-footer text
-top text
-bottom text
Same as for the original JAVADOC doclet.


Find the source code here.

Ready-to-use binaries are not (yet) available.

The MAIN Doclet

This doclet creates a (very simple) HTML page for the "main(String[])" method (or a different method) of each of the specified classes.

Doclet options

-d dest-dir
Where to create the output files. The complete output file name is "dest-dir/pkg/pkg/class.meth(int, String)".
-method method-signature
Which method to document; defaults to "main(String[])".
-output-encoding enc
The encoding to use when writing output files; defaults to the "JVM default charset".


Find the source code here.

Ready-to-use binaries are not (yet) available.