ANT doclet

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Generates (JAVADOC-like) HTML documentation for APACHE ANT antlibs.

The motivation for writing this doclet is to ease the maintenance of the documentation for the antlib:



The doclet implements the following command line options:

-d directory
-windowtitle window-title
-doctitle document-title
-header header
-footer footer
-top top
-bottom bottom
-notimestamp true|false
-link url-or-file
-linkoffline url-or-file package-list-url-or-file
Same as for the standard JAVADOC doclet
-antlib-file file
The antlib file of the antlib to document; defaults to "antlib.xml".
-theme JAVA7|JAVA8
The style of the generated pages.



The doclet parses the ANTLIB file to identify all the tasks, types, chainable readers etc. that the ANTLIB implements. Then it finds the attribut setter and subelement adder methods, just like ANT would do. Eventually it generates one HTML page for each task, type, chainable reader etc., plus various overview, summary, index and frameset pages; very similar to what the standard JAVADOC servlet does for a set of Java classes.

References to attribute setter and subelement adder methods are not rendered as "setFoo(String)" and "addPerson(Person)", but like "foo=..." and "<person>".

Links to the various standard ANT types are recognized and rendered appropriately.

Related attributes

Sometimes you want to document multiple attributes together, i.e. have only one description. To get that, write a doc comment with a description for the first setter, and for the other setters a doc comment with a sole @see tag that refers to the first setter.

Grouping of subelements

Subelement adder methods ("add*()", "addConfigured*()" and "create*()") can have a " group-name" block tag in their DOC comment. If at least one subelement adder method has such a block tag, then the subelements are grouped by group-name, and each group gets a respective heading, and the subelements without a go into a group "Other".

For an example, see the documentation of the <zzfind> ANT task, and the source code.

Attribute value documentation

The ANT doclet visualizes the meaning, the possible values and the default values for each attribute. The meaning is derived from the method parameter type and name (or the @ant.valueExplanation block tag); the possible values (for enums) from the enum constants, and the (optional) default value from the method parameter type and the @ant.defaultValue block tag.

The @ant.mandatory block tag appends " (mandatory)" to the attribute description title.

Custom type groups

The ANT doclet analyzes the types and, based on the interfaces they implement, assigns them to "type groups", which will later appear in the left-hand-side frame. The well-known type groups are: "Tasks", "Resource collections", "Chainable readers", "Conditions and "Other types". It is also possible to assign types to your own custom type groups, by adding the following block tags to the type:

 * This type lives in a custom "type group". For this example, we re-use the values for the "Tasks" type group -- please use your own instead.
 * @ant.typeGroupSubdir  tasks
 * @ant.typeGroupName    Task
 * @ant.typeGroupHeading Tasks
 * @ant.typeTitleMf      Task "&lt;{0}&gt;"
 * @ant.typeHeadingMf    <code>&lt;{0}&gt;</code>

Ordering of subelements

If an ANT type (e.g. a task) or a subelement has this block tag

@ant.subelementOrder inheritedFirst

, then the subelements inherited from superclasses and interfaces are rendered before the subelements of the actual class. The default behavior is the other way round.


The doclet JAR file is here.

The change log is here.

Find the source code for the doclet here.