ANT doclet

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Generates (JAVADOC-like) HTML documentation for APACHE ANT antlibs.

The motivation for writing this doclet is to ease the maintenance of the documentation for the antlib:



The doclet implements the following command line options:

-d directory
The directory where the output files are created; defaults to ".".
-windowtitle window-title
-doctitle document-title
-header header
-footer footer
-top top
-bottom bottom
-notimestamp true|false
-link url-or-file
-linkoffline url-or-file package-list-url-or-file
Same as for the standard JAVADOC doclet
-antlib-file file
The antlib file of the antlib to document; defaults to "antlib.xml".
-theme JAVA7|JAVA8
The style of the generated pages.


Grouping of subelements

Subelement adder methods ("add*()", "addConfigured*()" and "create*()") can have a " group-name" block tag in their DOC comment. If at least one subelement adder method has such a block tag, then the subelements are grouped by group-name, and each group gets a respective heading, and the subelements without a go into a group "Other".

For an example, see the documentation of the <zzfind> ANT task, and the source code.


The doclet JAR file is here.

The change log is here.

Find the source code for the doclet here.